Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Writing about reading

Getting into a book that is not interesting or fascinating at first is hard. It can be confusing and frustrating, and most of the time i just want to stop. When i read a book that is confusing it helps to just push through it, to think about what I'm reading but don't linger on things that aren't making sense. Usually if you push through a little farther then it will start to make sense.
When there isn't a place that is quiet and comfortable to read in, then i usually go to the quietest place that i can find. usually in my room shutting the doors so that i only have to listen to a minimal amount of sound. If that still isn't good enough, or quiet enough then i can ask my mom to tell everyone else to be quiet so that i can do my work.
Usually i read in a place that is quiet, i find it easier to concentrate on my book when it's quiet. That way i don't get distracted. When i read i usually read two to three chapters at a time depending on how long the chapters are. I get distracted easily by TV, movies, my cell phone, or the computer, so it makes it hard to sit still long enough to get through a book in a day; or to read more than two chapters.
I read mostly because i have to. There is the rare occasion that i will find a book that I am really interested in, interested enough that i would want to read it on my own that is. I like fiction books, because they are more interesting then the droning on, mostly fact non-fiction books. The only reason that i would read a non-fiction book is because it was for school, or required. There is almost no way that i would want to read a non-fiction book on my own time just for fun.

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