When I was four years old my mother and my father took me and my new baby sister to a family friends house. Sitting in the car was boring, it took to long to get there, all I wanted was to be out of the car and to see the two adults that I considered my own friends instead of my parents. Pulling onto the curb you could see the little cottage looking house with small windows down a little hill. I jumped out of the car to rush my parents, they told me i could go on without them, but I had to wait I was to nervous to go on my own. Once they were finally ready to go inside I ran down the little steps leading down the hill to the little house holding my dad's hand and dragging him along.
We finally made it inside the house, and we said our hello's and i sat down listening to them visit, bored out of my mind. When my mom asked if i wanted to go outside with her for a moment i launched into action and took my opportunity. My mother and i walked to the back of the house where there was a sliding glass door, the door lit up the dark house, through it you could see the brightness of the outside. We went outside as the sun was setting, and looked out beyond the grass and the large weeping willow that was drooping over a picnic table. Past these was the sun setting over the lake, the sun was low and the clouds a pink and orange color that made my eyes wide get wide. Seeing the reflection of the sun on the calm rippling lake water looked like a mirror image of the sun just above the water. We watched the sun set and then went inside to visit again, and for me to be yet again bored out of my mind.

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