Animals taking over the farm
to avoid the farmers plan to slaughter.
No one wants to come to harm
when the farmer wants to slaughter
The pigs devise a scheme
to avoid the farmers plan to slaughter.
With one specific theme
when the farmer wants to slaughter.
The animals begin to rebel
with hope for a better life
And the Jone's reighn fell
with promises for a better life
The animals start to rebuild
with hope for a better life
While the pigs get their bellies filled
with promises for a better life?
The pigs break the rules
leadership can cause corruption.
And act like selfish foold,
power can lead to corruption
The animals hopes were shattered,
leadership can cause corruption.
Had it ever really mattered,
power can lead to corrupion
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Jashua Kelly
Jashua recited the poem Dulce et Decorum Est, he used body language, tone, attitude and appearence/facial expression to show the meaning and his understanding of the poem. He speaks faster/slower or louder/softer in different parts of the poem to express the feel of whats happening in it. He uses an upset/terrified voice in a part of it where the poem tells about an attack and a stumbling man.
I felt that the poem was about an army unit marching on through a war, and about a man within the unit and the things that he experienced and saw in the war. I felt that the tone of Mr. Kelly used throughout the poem made the poem stand out. He uses a softer afraid tone when he is talking about the man that he saw die, and a rougher louder voice when he describes the ambush or attack. These emphasized things makes the poem, and helps show how much Jashua understood what was happening in the poem "Dulce et Decorum Est".
I felt that the poem was about an army unit marching on through a war, and about a man within the unit and the things that he experienced and saw in the war. I felt that the tone of Mr. Kelly used throughout the poem made the poem stand out. He uses a softer afraid tone when he is talking about the man that he saw die, and a rougher louder voice when he describes the ambush or attack. These emphasized things makes the poem, and helps show how much Jashua understood what was happening in the poem "Dulce et Decorum Est".
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Reading the book to kill a mocking bird helped me to understand the meaning of motif, because the book had a lot of examples and references to the motif of the mockingbird. In the book Atticus tells his kids that it's a sin to kill a mocking bird, because mocking birds do nothing but share their sweet melodies, never hurting to annoying any one. Through out the book the motif of the mocking bird is displayed through characters, rather than just the obvious bird. For example, Boo Radley, and Tom Robinson were mocking bird characters. They both never hurt any one or did anything to upset anyone else, all they ever did was did what they could to help other people. And so "it is a sin to kill the mocking bird" meaning that it was a sin to lock up Tom Robinson after all he did was help Mayella Ewell with what ever he could. Or that it was wrong to even consider taking Boo to court when he had never hurt a soul, only saved two innocent childrens lives from a bad man.
The Motif of the mocking bird helps to elaborate or built backround for the other themes in the book. The theme of bravery sits hand in hand with the motif, Boo came out of his house after 20+ years of being inside never showing his face, and keeping to himself, so that he could do what he could to save the lives of Atticus's children. Another theme that the motif helped to inspire was the theme of justice vs. injustice. Being when Tom was taken to court and tried for raping Mayella, the people that were in the court all knew that there was no real evidence that Mayella had been raped. The only thing that was there was a black man's word against a white mans, and Tom was convicted guilty and taken away to prison. Tom was the mocking bird, everyone knew that he had done nothing wrong all the evidence proved that he was innocent, and the people killed the mocking bird by stating he was guilty.
The Motif of the mocking bird helps to elaborate or built backround for the other themes in the book. The theme of bravery sits hand in hand with the motif, Boo came out of his house after 20+ years of being inside never showing his face, and keeping to himself, so that he could do what he could to save the lives of Atticus's children. Another theme that the motif helped to inspire was the theme of justice vs. injustice. Being when Tom was taken to court and tried for raping Mayella, the people that were in the court all knew that there was no real evidence that Mayella had been raped. The only thing that was there was a black man's word against a white mans, and Tom was convicted guilty and taken away to prison. Tom was the mocking bird, everyone knew that he had done nothing wrong all the evidence proved that he was innocent, and the people killed the mocking bird by stating he was guilty.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Best Friends
I have quite a few friends, of those friends I have exactly two BEST friends. NICOLE DANDRIDGE is one of two, we met in the seventh grade in Ms. Clears class. Nicole is short, she has originally dirty blond/light brown hair. She might be one of the shortest people in my group of friends, but she's deffinatley one of the loudest, funnest people I know. When she gets nervous her face lights up, literally, she turns bright red, thats something that we have in common. When you see her in the hall you'll notice she wears her vans and her hoodies, skinny jeans and a band T. She has a loud laugh that no one else posseses. NIKKI HERBISON is my other best friend, Nikki and I met also in seventh grade in Ms. Clears class. Nikki is one of the sweetest people I know, she may be quiet but she makes friends easily with everyone that she comes across. Nikki has a fun outlook on life, she is a semi-hippy girl, she and nicole are vegitarians, and Nikki is a GO GREEN type of girl. She tells me on a regular basis to save the trees and not litter. Nikki has the most amazing naturaly curly hair that I have ever seen in my entire life, she has perfect brown ringlets that are beautiful.
Nicole is a very oppinionated self spoken young individual, that is more than happy to tell you how she feels and not afraid to speak her mind. Nikki is more reluctant to speak her mind but she will when given the opportunity. Nicole is anti beef, "It tastes like murder" is what she said when she accidently had a little nibble of pepperoni on a piece of pizza at vics. Nikki and Nicole are the lives of the party, we all "feed" off eachothers energy, when we all get together its like one big sugar high most of the time, but in the end what goes up must come down... we crash. Nikki is very clever, she comes up with the funnest, and funniest things right off the top off her head. Nikki and Nicole are great friends, and I know that we will be friends for a VERY very long time
Nicole is a very oppinionated self spoken young individual, that is more than happy to tell you how she feels and not afraid to speak her mind. Nikki is more reluctant to speak her mind but she will when given the opportunity. Nicole is anti beef, "It tastes like murder" is what she said when she accidently had a little nibble of pepperoni on a piece of pizza at vics. Nikki and Nicole are the lives of the party, we all "feed" off eachothers energy, when we all get together its like one big sugar high most of the time, but in the end what goes up must come down... we crash. Nikki is very clever, she comes up with the funnest, and funniest things right off the top off her head. Nikki and Nicole are great friends, and I know that we will be friends for a VERY very long time
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Looking back

When I was four years old my mother and my father took me and my new baby sister to a family friends house. Sitting in the car was boring, it took to long to get there, all I wanted was to be out of the car and to see the two adults that I considered my own friends instead of my parents. Pulling onto the curb you could see the little cottage looking house with small windows down a little hill. I jumped out of the car to rush my parents, they told me i could go on without them, but I had to wait I was to nervous to go on my own. Once they were finally ready to go inside I ran down the little steps leading down the hill to the little house holding my dad's hand and dragging him along.
We finally made it inside the house, and we said our hello's and i sat down listening to them visit, bored out of my mind. When my mom asked if i wanted to go outside with her for a moment i launched into action and took my opportunity. My mother and i walked to the back of the house where there was a sliding glass door, the door lit up the dark house, through it you could see the brightness of the outside. We went outside as the sun was setting, and looked out beyond the grass and the large weeping willow that was drooping over a picnic table. Past these was the sun setting over the lake, the sun was low and the clouds a pink and orange color that made my eyes wide get wide. Seeing the reflection of the sun on the calm rippling lake water looked like a mirror image of the sun just above the water. We watched the sun set and then went inside to visit again, and for me to be yet again bored out of my mind.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
The bean trees: imagery
I believe that the author used the element of imagery so heavily to enhance the books potential, and really create the scene. By doing thins like describing people and they way that they look, and describing scenes the author really sets the mood, and gives a great mental picture in the mind of the reader. I think that that's the main reason that the author chose imagery for the main literary element, just so that the mental picture could be made in clear view for the reader.
I think that the author might also have used this element, because she wanted the story to be full of life, and seem realistic. I think that her way of doing this was by creating the scene and describing how she saw fit in the best way that she could, so that the book would be more exciting and/or intriguing.
I think that the author might also have used this element, because she wanted the story to be full of life, and seem realistic. I think that her way of doing this was by creating the scene and describing how she saw fit in the best way that she could, so that the book would be more exciting and/or intriguing.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
outside reading
"The Bean Trees"
So far I really like the book "The bean Trees", in my opinion it is not the kind of book that grabs and rips your attention into the book, but I also think that it is not a hard book to get into. The book starts out by describing how the main character is afraid to put air into tires ever since she saw one blow up and fling a man into the air. The way that it was written makes it interesting s that the reader wants to keep reading, but not so interesting that the reader feels they can't put the book down.
The literary term that is most obviously dominating my book is the element of imagery. Of all of the elements it is the one that is standing out so far (half way) through my book.
I think that the author might be using this element most frequently, because she wants the reader to feel like they are a part of the book. I think that the book was written this way because the story is kind of slow, not the unbearable droning on type of slow, but slow enough that the writer feels the need to give the reader mental pictures of things that are occurring throughout the book
The tone in the story from my perspective is what i believe to be satirical. The main character Taylor, makes fun of a lot of people and things throughout the book. I think that in the chapters the tone is almost always satirical or is written in a satirical manner. I don't think that it varies often.
So far I really like the book "The bean Trees", in my opinion it is not the kind of book that grabs and rips your attention into the book, but I also think that it is not a hard book to get into. The book starts out by describing how the main character is afraid to put air into tires ever since she saw one blow up and fling a man into the air. The way that it was written makes it interesting s that the reader wants to keep reading, but not so interesting that the reader feels they can't put the book down.
The literary term that is most obviously dominating my book is the element of imagery. Of all of the elements it is the one that is standing out so far (half way) through my book.
I think that the author might be using this element most frequently, because she wants the reader to feel like they are a part of the book. I think that the book was written this way because the story is kind of slow, not the unbearable droning on type of slow, but slow enough that the writer feels the need to give the reader mental pictures of things that are occurring throughout the book
The tone in the story from my perspective is what i believe to be satirical. The main character Taylor, makes fun of a lot of people and things throughout the book. I think that in the chapters the tone is almost always satirical or is written in a satirical manner. I don't think that it varies often.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Writing about reading
Getting into a book that is not interesting or fascinating at first is hard. It can be confusing and frustrating, and most of the time i just want to stop. When i read a book that is confusing it helps to just push through it, to think about what I'm reading but don't linger on things that aren't making sense. Usually if you push through a little farther then it will start to make sense.
When there isn't a place that is quiet and comfortable to read in, then i usually go to the quietest place that i can find. usually in my room shutting the doors so that i only have to listen to a minimal amount of sound. If that still isn't good enough, or quiet enough then i can ask my mom to tell everyone else to be quiet so that i can do my work.
Usually i read in a place that is quiet, i find it easier to concentrate on my book when it's quiet. That way i don't get distracted. When i read i usually read two to three chapters at a time depending on how long the chapters are. I get distracted easily by TV, movies, my cell phone, or the computer, so it makes it hard to sit still long enough to get through a book in a day; or to read more than two chapters.
I read mostly because i have to. There is the rare occasion that i will find a book that I am really interested in, interested enough that i would want to read it on my own that is. I like fiction books, because they are more interesting then the droning on, mostly fact non-fiction books. The only reason that i would read a non-fiction book is because it was for school, or required. There is almost no way that i would want to read a non-fiction book on my own time just for fun.
When there isn't a place that is quiet and comfortable to read in, then i usually go to the quietest place that i can find. usually in my room shutting the doors so that i only have to listen to a minimal amount of sound. If that still isn't good enough, or quiet enough then i can ask my mom to tell everyone else to be quiet so that i can do my work.
Usually i read in a place that is quiet, i find it easier to concentrate on my book when it's quiet. That way i don't get distracted. When i read i usually read two to three chapters at a time depending on how long the chapters are. I get distracted easily by TV, movies, my cell phone, or the computer, so it makes it hard to sit still long enough to get through a book in a day; or to read more than two chapters.
I read mostly because i have to. There is the rare occasion that i will find a book that I am really interested in, interested enough that i would want to read it on my own that is. I like fiction books, because they are more interesting then the droning on, mostly fact non-fiction books. The only reason that i would read a non-fiction book is because it was for school, or required. There is almost no way that i would want to read a non-fiction book on my own time just for fun.
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